College of Pharmacy

College of Pharmacy
Recognized by the Government Since 1993
Level II Re-Accredited Status by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)
Internationally recognized pharmacy program as model of excellence in integrated instruction, research and public engagement.
Provide the country with pharmacists who are scientifically competent in delivering the full spectrum of pharmaceutical services required in health care delivery.
Social Responsibility
- To produce pharmacists equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills in community and hospital pharmacy services and technical know-how in the manufacture of drugs.
- To conduct scientific research methods and processes; develop and evaluate drugs to be used in the prevention, diagnosis, mitigation and treatment of diseases in man and animals.
- To establish linkages in the community and other health agencies for the promotion of health-related services through pharmaceutical care.
- To advocate professional and ethical pharmacy practice as well as integrate the values and commitment to service to God.
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Board Passers

Congratulations to our Lyceum-Northwestern University College of Pharmacy board passers!
With a 100% passing rate for first-time takers, and an overall passing rate of 83.33%, LNU surpasses the national passing rate of 76.89%. We are proud of you! #LyceumNorthwesternUniversity#PharmacyBoardPassers

Congratulations to all the passers of the April 2024 Pharmacists Licensure Examination and to the LNU College of Pharmacy on a 100% passing rate for LNU first-takers!

Heartfelt congratulations to all who successfully passed the November 2023 Pharmacist Licensure Examination!

Congratulations to our Pharmacists (April 2022 Board Examination)

Congratulations to our topnotcher Jasper De Vera Royupa for ranking 6th (2022)
The Professional Regulation Commission announces that 678 out of 1,870 takers passed the examination. Congratulations to our topnotcher Jasper De Vera Royupa for ranking 6th and to all board passers of Lyceum-Northwestern University. We are proud of you!

Congratulations to our Pharmacists (April 2021 Board Examination)

Angelo Proceso Feliciano Zarate for ranking Top 1 in the Pharmacist Board Examination April 2021!

Congratulations to our New Pharmacists (Aug 2019 Board Examination)

Congratulations to our Top 10 Pharmacist (March 2019 Board Examination)

Congratulations to our Pharmacists (March 2019 Board Examination)

Congratulations to our Lyceum-Northwestern University College of Pharmacy board passers!
With a 100% passing rate for first-time takers, and an overall passing rate of 83.33%, LNU surpasses the national passing rate of 76.89%. We are proud of you! #LyceumNorthwesternUniversity#PharmacyBoardPassers