College of Physical Therapy

College of Physical Therapy

Recognized since 1991

Career Opportunities
  • Clinician
  • Community-Based Therapist
  • Educator
  • Researcher
  • Administrator
  • Social Advocate
  • Pre-med course


On-The-Job Training/Internship

During the fourth year of the program, students are required to attend an On the Job Training (OJT) in different affiliate centers such as tertiary hospitals and physical therapy clinics that cater to different client populations. Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in an actual work setting.

  • Victoriano Luna General Hospital (Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center)
  • Community Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Facilitators (CPREF Inc.)
  • Laoag Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Center
  • Region 1 Medical Center
  • Department of Social Welfare and ย Development – Area 1 Vocational and Rehabilitation Center


Lyceum-Northwestern University, College of Physical Therapy envisions itself to be recognized as a model of excellence in rehabilitation and physical therapy education, research and services in Region 1.


Produce Physical Therapists competent to fulfill professional responsibilities in theย promotion of health and delivery of physical therapy intervention and rehabilitation within a broad continuum of care and wellness.


  1. To produce physical therapist educated in the principles and methodology of physical medicine and rehabilitation competent to provide a necessary background to undertake the general practice of physical therapy and/or undergo further training for specialization as a researcher or an educator.
  2. To conduct and participate in research especially evidence-based research that willenhance faculty and student knowledge, skills and expertise to patient care.
  3. To establish meaningful interaction between the students and the community by way ofcommunity-oriented institutional co-curricular activities designed to involve their study with a strong sense of community spirit.
  4. To produce physical therapist who will characterize moral spiritual values involved in thepractice of physical therapy and conscious of the profession to patient clients and to

Detailed Course Description will be provided upon request. Please Email at