College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
COHREP – Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines
AAHRMEI – Association of Administrators in Hospitality Hotel and Restaurant Management Educational Institution
Programs Offered
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Hospitality Management program is a four-year course geared towards equipping students with synthesis of different concepts, principles and skills that concentrate on hospitality training, development of practical and managerial skills. The program offers various subjects that will suit the hospitality field such as front office, culinary, food and beverage, housekeeping, research and community extension, business management and accounting and offers significant local and international trainings that are essential in preparing students to become successful and competitive hoteliers and restaurateurs.
Total Units: 161 Units
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
Tourism Management is a four-year course that enables students to become professionals in chosen career path. We offer high-quality, broad-based studies that seek to develop the student’s potential. Our aim is to provide our graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to choose their career path and secure rewarding and successful employment in an industry that is expanding and vibrant.
Total Units: 148 Units
Those who are seeking a career in the service industry will find that this course offers them the professional foundation they will need. Our courses also offer variety of exciting activities to enrich the student’s educational experience including local and overseas training.
A leading Tourism & Hospitality School in Northern Luzon which provides graduates who contribute to national economic progress.
Given the importance of tourism & hospitality as a means to achieve national goals and aspirations and its role in the world’s economy, the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management of the Lyceum-Northwestern University, seeks to provide the preparations needed by an individual to be responsible member of society and be a productive and an effective.
Detailed Course Description will be provided upon request. Please Email at
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With a 100% passing rate for first-time takers, and an...