College of Law

College of Law
- The L-NU College of Law is accredited by the Legal Education Board (LEB) of the Philippines.
- LEB-Certified Clinical Legal Education Program (CLEP)
The College of Law of the Lyceum-Northwestern University is a PREMIERE LAW SCHOOL north of Manila, which serves as a bastion of top scholars trained by competent professors under a pedagogy of Integrity, Patriotism and Excellence, in order that Justice in its truest sense is upheld in our society.
To produce ethical and excellent lawyers who, guided by their love for country, always seek what is just, equitable and kind, without fear or favor in their dealings with others.
L-NU College of Law VALUES:
Patriotism • Excellence • Integrity • Justice
The College of Law of the Lyceum-Northwestern University is a PREMIERE LAW SCHOOL north of Manila, which serves as a bastion of top scholars trained by competent professors under a pedagogy of Integrity, Patriotism and Excellence, in order that Justice in its truest sense is upheld in our society.
To produce ethical and excellent lawyers who, guided by their love for country, always seek what is just, equitable and kind, without fear or favor in their dealings with others.
L-NU College of Law VALUES:
Patriotism • Excellence • Integrity • Justice
- We offer a 4-year Juris Doctor (LLB) program with 142 units based on the new LEB Curriculum.
- Good batting average of Bar Passers in the Philippine Bar Exams
- Blended Learning for Long-Distance Learners
- In-house Law Library
- Moot Court
- High speed internet for blended learning
- Ample Classrooms
- Audio Visual Equipment for Trainings
For new students and transferees:
- Transfer Credentials
- Certificate of previous grades
- One (1) Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate
- One (1) Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Two (2) 2″x2″ ID Photos
- One (1) long folder
- Five (5) white mailing envelopes (long)
L-NU College of Law welcomes post-graduate students who graduated in the Dean’s List, or with Latin honors. The Gov. Francisco Q. Duque Scholarship Program is on a competitive basis and covers one (1) Academic Year (two semesters). The program takes into consideration the students’ GPA, IQ, Qualifying Exam, and a Panel Interview to test the “soft skills” and values of applicants.
Detailed Course Description will be provided upon request. Please Email at